Saturday, September 20, 2008

martian 0000190.2 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Not So Rapid Eye Movement
The bizarre metamorphosis that occurs in halibut and other flatfish had even Charles Darwin floundering for an explanation. At birth, these fish have one eye on each side of the skull, but as adults, both eyes reside on the same side. Certainly, for fish that spend their lives along the sea bottom, having both eyes topside confers a survival advantage. But there seemed to be no evolutionary reason to start down the gradual path toward such lopsidedness—any intermediate steps would not seem to be especially helpful. So some biologists theorized that the fish evolved from a single, sudden mutation. Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

That does not seem to be the case: Matt Friedman of the Field Museum in Chicago reports finding some missing links. He investigated two roughly 50-million-year-old primitive flatfish fossils hidden in museums in Europe for more than a century. These adult specimens possessed somewhat asymmetrical skulls that nonetheless kept eyes on opposite sides of the head. Even incomplete lopsidedness may have given the carnivorous bottom dwellers a better view of the world above than no asymmetry at all, Friedman conjectures. Eye the study in the July 10 Nature. —Charles Q. Choi

Germ-Spreading Playdates
As parents have long known, children in day care centers and schools readily spread respiratory diseases among one another. Chimpanzee communities seem to suffer in a similar way: playdates drive the dissemination of respiratory infections among the primates, according to a new study.

Scientists led by Hjalmar Kuehl and Peter Walsh of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, examined two chimpanzee groups in Taï National Park in Ivory Coast. Infants were more likely to die from a respiratory disease the more they played together—typically during the peak fruit season, when chimps congregate. Between the ages of two and three, chimps spend up to 18 percent of their day engaged in close physical contact with their peers. This period represents the peak of their social interaction and serves to connect all members of their community.

Once playful chimpanzees precipitated an outbreak, infants of all ages succumbed to disease. Affected mothers quickly entered into estrus, ultimately perpetuating the three-year cycle of infant population boom and bust. Coupled with poaching, climate change and predation, infant mortality from infectious disease is taking
a toll on the area’s chimps, says Kuehl, whose research findings appear in the June 18 PLoS ONE. These days few infants reach adulthood, he states, with “only four out of 10 surviving to the age of five.” —Barbara Juncosa

Another Gene for Alzheimer’s
A newly identified genetic mutation increases the risk for the most common form of Alzheimer’s disease—the second major gene to be linked to the neurodegenerative disorder. The mutation occurs in the so-called CALHM1 gene, which controls calcium concentrations in nerve cells. Researchers observed that mutant CALHM1 led to increased accumulation of amyloid beta plaques, the sticky protein clumps characteristic of the disease. In the U.S.

Alzheimer’s affects one in 20 adults aged 65 to 74; carrying one defective copy of CALHM1 escalates the risk to one in 14 (and to one in 10 for those carrying two defective copies). The mutation also leads to an earlier age of onset. Reporting in the June 27 Cell, lead author Philippe Marambaud of the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in Manhasset, N.Y., states that the CALHM1 gene—along with the first Alzheimer’s gene, APOE, discovered 15 years ago—will be important in screening for the disease. —Barbara Juncosa

Full story here

The New Stone Age
Kidney stones will become more prevalent in the 21st century as the world warms up, according to Tom H. Brikowski of the University of Texas at Dallas and his colleagues. A crystallization of minerals dissolved in urine, a stone can form with the help of fluid loss. Such dehydration is more common in hotter conditions; the incidence in the southeastern U.S. is 50 percent greater than in the northwestern region of the country, for instance, and some U.S. soldiers shipped to desert conditions developed stones just 90 days after deployment. Factoring in the expected rise in mean temperature in the U.S.—upward of two to five degrees Celsius this century—the researchers figure that the nation will see 1.6 million to 2.2 million more kidney stone cases by 2050. This 7 to 10 percent increase could exact $1.3 billion in medical costs. The findings are crystallized in the July 15 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. —Philip Yam

Who Will Die?
Researchers have built a computer system that can predict which death-row inmates are most likely to be executed. It consists of 18 computer processors that analyzed data on about 1,000 death-row prisoners, including their sex, age, race, schooling and whether they were ultimately executed or spared. Then the researchers fed it similar information about 300 more prisoners, leaving out whether they had lived or died. The system, using logic it had developed from the first set of data, correctly predicted the outcome for 92 percent of those cases. It found that death-row inmates with the highest chance of being executed are those with the lowest levels of education; neither the severity of the crime nor race could reliably predict a prisoner’s fate. The findings, which the researchers hope will lead to a fairer appeals process, appear in the Spring 2008 International Journal of Law and Information Technology. —Larry Greenemeier

Full story here

Global warming is leaving trees behind. Some two thirds of forest species in six French mountain ranges have moved at least 18.5 meters higher on the mountainsides per decade during the 20th century. Previous research has demonstrated that plants at the highest elevations on mountains and in the polar regions have shifted to adjust to global warming. The latest result marks the first confirmation that entire ecosystems in lower, more temperate regions are moving as well. The study is in the June 27 Science. —David Biello

Full story here

The voting location may tip the balance on some election issues. Researchers examined the 2000 Arizona general election that included a proposed tax increase to support school initiatives. After controlling for political preferences and zip codes, the researchers found that voters casting ballots at schools tended to support the measure (63.6 percent in favor) more so than those at nonschool booths (56.3 percent). A follow-up experiment revealed that voters could be subconsciously “primed” with images of lockers and classrooms to vote for a hypothetical tax for school spending. The July 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA contains the findings.

Researchers have long suspected that a massive asteroid caused Mars’s “hemispheric dichotomy”: its crust thins from 50 to 20 kilometers over a south-north span covering 42 percent of its surface. Using gravity data and other measurements, scientists have discovered the hidden outline of the impact—in particular, an elliptical mark spanning 10,600 by 8,500 kilometers. Simulations suggest that the asteroid measured 1,600 to 2,700 kilometers wide, moved at about six to 10 kilometers per second, and struck at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees with the ground. Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

Monday, September 1, 2008

limb 0000124 Louis J. SheehaN


The $6-million eel it ain't. But researchers who have taken the unprecedented step of connecting a brain, in this case a sea lamprey's brain, to a small mobile robot say they've got a roving fishbot that may someday lead to better prosthetic devices for humans.

In the meantime, the two-wheeled robot that scoots about the lab bench in response to light may help scientists better understand how an animal's nervous system and a machine can communicate with each other.

Led by Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi, a computational neurobiologist at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, the researchers described their findings this week at the 30th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in New Orleans.

"I'm very impressed with this work," says Stephen P. DeWeerth, a biomedical engineer at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. "It combines the realism of biology with the controllability of electronics."

To create the cyborg, Mussa-Ivaldi and his team removed a lamprey's brain and part of its spinal cord and placed them in a refrigerated, oxygen-rich saline solution. Then, they rigged small wires to bring electrical signals from optical sensors mounted on the robot to the disembodied brain's vestibular system, which normally enables the animal to distinguish up from down.

When the robot's sensors detected light, the lamprey's brain interpreted the signals they sent as conveying a certain orientation in the water, the scientists speculate. Electrical impulses that normally would have moved along nerves to the animal's muscles instead traveled along a second set of wires to the robot's wheels.

Depending on the electrodes' placement in the brain tissue, the signals caused the robot to wheel toward or away from the light or to travel in a circle or a spiral. In experiments with more than 40 lamprey brains, approaching the light was the most common response.

Mussa-Ivaldi says the disembodied brain's continuous response to the ever-changing signals from the robot's optical sensors is the first example of two-way interaction between neural tissue and a robot. Studying the behavior of this simple fish-robot hybrid may help researchers develop more complicated systems that combine biological and electronic elements, he notes.

"Scientists don't have a clear understanding of how to develop a two-way communication between a brain and an artificial limb," Mussa-Ivaldi told Science News. "We need to understand how the nervous system and a machine may talk to one another."

The researchers chose a lamprey's brain to control their robot for several reasons, says Mussa-Ivaldi. For one thing, the neurons are large and easily identified. Also, the tissue can be kept alive outside the animal's body in a cold saline solution for weeks. Moreover, he notes, the lamprey's central nervous system can compensate for a lesion in the vestibular system. When some of these cells are damaged, connections between the neurons somehow rearrange so that the lamprey still swims normally.

In their next set of experiments, the researchers plan to examine the brain's flexibility after such rewiring. They'll simulate a lesion in the lamprey's nervous system by electronically blocking the input to the brain tissue from one of the robot's sensors. After the brain has adjusted, the scientists will restore the signal and observe the robot's behavior. Such a before-and-after comparison would be impossible with a surgically induced lesion but easy to obtain via reversible electronic simulation, Mussa-Ivaldi says.

Any organism that receives an implant or a prosthesis connected directly to its nervous system will have to adapt to the device's presence and learn to communicate with it, says DeWeerth. Characterizing the interactions between simple biological and electronic materials is a fundamental step in building true hybrid systems, he notes.